Good News and Even Better News!
Our Youth Ministry has taken off this fall!
God is blessing us with our ministry to young people. I believe his Spirit is with us, and as a result of our summer program, we are serving more young people. Praise God!
This is all good news! But the even better news is that we need you, the adults in our parish to help accompany our young people as they grow in love of Jesus and his Church.
There are many opportunities where we need adults who are faithful, cheerful, and fun who will engage with our students, know their names, and provide a safe and loving environment. (Child protection certification is required before starting.)
Please pray about where God may be calling you to form our young disciples.
Edge Team – Join our team that plans and leads a monthly Friday night meeting with games, snacks, service, and small groups. Must be energized by loud groups of young people, silliness, and managed chaos! (18 years or older)
Vocations Team – Plan and implement activities for our parish to pray for vocations and coordinate events for young people to interact with religious, priests, and seminarians. (21 years or older)
Youth Mass Hospitality – After the 6 p.m. Mass once a month. Shop, set up, serve, and clean up. Smile at the teens. This could be fun for a family with school-aged children to lead.
Adopt a Grandparent – Serve on a team of adults who will engage with teens and the elderly during a monthly gathering. Keep records of those participating. (21 years or older)
Service Team – Plan and lead events for young people to serve in the community. These events may develop into mission trips. Build relationships with the teens to foster a heart for seeing those in need found in Christ’s distressing disguise. (21 years or older)
Parent Support – We are forming a team to provide a monthly parent discussion/prayer group. The group is meant to support parents as they are raising adolescents.
Core Team –This is the heart of our high school ministry. This team advises the Youth Minister in planning. Its primary focus is to lead our Tuesday Youth Group by passing on the faith, serving as a small group leader, and building relationships with the teens. Many core team members also lead activities outside of Tuesdays, such as retreats and service. (21 years or older)
Media Content Creator –This person/team creates a monthly newsletter for parents and one for teens that includes upcoming events. It would also include updating our Instagram and SPY Facebook accounts. (18 years or older)
Please pray about where the Lord might be calling you in this Jubilee year! The commitment is for 1 year.
Contact Angela Busby ([email protected]) to discuss your interest and availability.