The School of Religion directs the preparation for the Sacraments of First Penance, First Communion, and Confirmation for all Parish children, including those in the Parochial School. The sacramental preparation program is a two-year process. First Penance and First Communion preparation begins in First Grade with children receiving those Sacraments in Second Grade. Preparation for the reception of Confirmation begins in 7th grade (Yr 1) and continues through 8th grade (Yr 2).
Students who present for the sacraments and cannot demonstrate continuous attendance in a religious instruction program will be required to complete additional preparation time before receiving sacraments.
A child, for any reason, who has not received one or all of the following- the Sacrament of Baptism, Penance, and First Communion, shall take part in a two-year sacramental program (OCIC) along with his or her parents to prepare for reception of those missing sacraments, in addition to continuing attendance in SOR. Participation must in be in-person. Home schooling is not allowed.
Please register for SOR as usual, and also complete the OCIC registration form (below).
Return both to the SOR, along with a copy of your child's baptismal certificate, if child was baptized. see under Registration and Enrollment